There was intense participation in Çates' public offering
There was intense participation in the book building, which took place between 30 November and 1 December 2023, within the scope of the public offering of Çatalağzı Thermal Power Plant, our country's first and only domestic hard coal power plant.
Demand for ÇATES' public offering was 3.7 times higher than planned
There was intense demand for the public offering of ÇATES, which makes a critical contribution to meeting Turkey's increasing energy needs with the uninterrupted electricity it produces.
Domestic individual investors are approximately 2 times the allocation amount, domestic corporate investors are approximately 10.5 times the allocation amount, foreign institutional investors are 2.3 times the allocation amount, Group employees are approximately 1 times the allocation amount, in total, 3.7 times more than planned. The demand came.
Book building for the ÇATES public offering was carried out between 30 November and 1 December. According to the demand collection results; The company's nominal shares were offered to the public at a price of 57.15 TL; As a result of the sale of shares with a nominal value of 33,050,000 TL, the size of the public offering was 1,888,807,500 TL.
36 brokerage firms participated in the public offering within the consortium established under the leadership of İnfo Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş.
The amount obtained from ÇATES's public offering will be used to increase the company's equity capital and capital strength. ÇATES aims to provide regular dividend income to its investors with the sustainable income it provides.
ÇATES will start trading on Borsa Istanbul under the code 'CATES'.
Evaluating the results of the public offering, our General Manager Hamdi ALP said, “We are excited and happy to share the value that ÇATES has created for our country with our investors through the public offering. Following this intense demand for ÇATES, with the strength and confidence we received from our investors; We will continue to work with all our strength to further the contributions we have made to our country and our industry so far. On this occasion; "I would like to thank all our stakeholders, especially our investors who trust in the present and future of our company, the brokerage firms working with İnfo Yatırım, which led the public offering, and of course my colleagues who devoted themselves to ÇATES and devoted themselves to their work," he said.