Our General Manager Answered Questions About Çates' Public Offering on Bloomberg HT Channel
Our General Manager Hamdi Alp answered questions about the public offering of ÇATES in the Market Line Program on Bloomberg HT Channel. Regarding ÇATES, which was offered to the public after the approval of the CMB, our General Manager Hamdi Alp emphasized the income from the public offering and the financial strength and durability in his interview with Bloomberg HT channel; “We have determined our public offering rate as 20 percent, and we have allocated 70 percent of our public offering shares to individual investors, 20 percent to domestic institutional investors, 8 percent to foreign investors, and the remaining 2 percent to our employees in our group companies. "Equal distribution method will be applied in our supply," he said. Demands for the ÇATES public offering will be collected between 30 November and 1 December.
Click on the link to watch the full interview of our General Manager Hamdi Alp