Our Football Tournament Started
Çates Electricity Production Inc. He started the football tournament, the first of which he organized this year, to make it a tradition. Çates Electricity Production Inc. The football tournament, in which teams competed with the participation of all employees of Entek Elektrik İnşaat A.Ş. and Entek Elektrik İnşaat A.Ş., started on a special astroturf field in Kozlu on November 7. The tournament started with Çatalağzı Mayor Adnan Akgün, Çates Power Plant Director Rıdvan Edip Akdeniz, Zonguldak Tes-İş President Murat Saraçbaşı, Tes-İş General Secretary Mustafa Bayram and Çates managers and Zonguldak Journalists Association President Derya Akbıyık kicking off. Speaking at the tournament, Çates Power Plant Director R.Edip Akdeniz said; "I hope our football tournament will be beneficial to all our friends, may the best team win, I am also excited that our colleagues are around a purpose outside of their business life, the fact that they are participating in our tournament with their families shows the best example of how we, as Çates, can be a family, I wish success to all our football players," he said. The children who came to watch their fathers at the tournament also had a good time with the entertainment prepared for them. The tournament in which 11 teams will compete started with the first match between Fan Spor and Kömür Spor. The match, which ended in a 4-4 draw, provided a pleasant start to the first day.