Public Disclosure Policy

Article 1: Scope and Legal Basis

This public disclosure policy, Çates Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. It determines the principles regarding the information to be made by 's ("Company") within the scope of relevant regulations.
This policy has been prepared within the scope of the Capital Markets Law No. 6362, Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102, Special Situations Communiqué No. II-15.1 and relevant legislation.
The Company's Investor Relations Department is responsible for observing and monitoring this policy.

Article 2: Purpose

The purpose of the public disclosure policy is to provide all stakeholders, including shareholders, investors and employees, with all kinds of information that does not constitute a trade secret, in a complete, fair, accurate, timely, understandable, low-cost and easy manner, in accordance with the regulations to which the Company is subject and the provisions of the articles of association. To provide active, effective and transparent communication by sharing simultaneously in an accessible way.
The aim of the public disclosure policy is to share the Company's past performance, future expectations, strategies, goals and vision, excluding trade secret information, equally with the public, relevant authorized institutions, current and potential investors and shareholders, taking into account the Company's strategies and performance. By disclosing the financial information of the Company in an accurate, fair, timely and detailed manner within the framework of generally accepted financial reporting principles and Capital Markets Board (“CMB”) regulations; To provide a continuous, effective and open communication platform by the investor relations unit. The company follows an active and transparent information policy; In all practices regarding public disclosure, CMB and Borsa Istanbul aim to comply with Company regulations and implement the most effective communication policy.

Article 3: Definitions

Company: Çates Elektrik Üretim A.Ş.
CMB/Board: Capital Markets Board
Law: Capital Markets Law No. 6362
Public Disclosure Platform (KAP): The electronic system where information required to be disclosed to the public in accordance with the legislation is transmitted with electronic signature and announced to the public, Internal Information: Information, events and developments that have not yet been disclosed to the public that may affect the value and price of capital market instruments or the investment decisions of investors, Special Situations: Internal or continuous information that may affect the value and price of capital market instruments or investors' investment decisions,
Continuous Information: It refers to all information, events and developments other than the definition of inside information, Communiqué: Special Circumstances Communiqué numbered II-15.1.

Article 4: Principles of Public Disclosure

Public disclosure principles are carried out within the scope of the Capital Markets Law No. 6362, Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102, Special Situations Communiqué No. II-15.1, Special Situations Guide and relevant legislation.
The principles that give rise to the obligation to disclose continuous information are stated in detail in the Communiqué, and the Investor Relations Department is responsible for the follow-up of mandatory continuous information notifications, provided that the necessary information flow is notified to them.
Whether or not a possible situation other than continuous information will have an impact on the value and price of the capital market instrument and the investment decisions of investors depends on the size and structure of the business, the relevant sector, competitive conditions, market expectations and other relevant factors, and our Company is obliged to disclose this information within the scope of the communiqué.

In order to evaluate whether inside information needs to be disclosed to the public, the relevant unit managers and, in any case, the Company General Manager are obliged, within the scope of their duties and information, to convey the situations that may be inside information to the Investor Relations Department immediately and by protecting the confidentiality of the information.
The information conveyed to it within the scope of the provision in the previous article is evaluated by the Company's Investor Relations Department within the framework of events and developments that may have an impact on the value of the capital market instrument due to the financial situation and activities of the Company, affect the investment decisions of investors or enable them to exercise their rights. While making this evaluation, the Investor Relations Department bases itself on the data submitted to it and the conditions specific to the Company, and proceeds in agreement with the General Manager of the Company by examining each situation separately when evaluating the value and price of the capital market instrument and whether it will have an impact on the investment decisions of investors.
In cases where the disclosure of inside information may negatively affect the legitimate interests of the Company, the Company has the right to postpone the disclosure by meeting the conditions specified in the Special Situations Communiqué and Guide. The company takes all necessary measures to keep internal information within the scope of postponement confidential. As soon as the reasons for delaying the public disclosure of inside information are eliminated. The company discloses the internal information in question to the public in accordance with the principles written in the relevant communiqués. The statement to be made shall state the decision to postpone and the reasons underlying it.
During the period when the disclosure is postponed, if rumors arise about the information whose disclosure is postponed or some details are disclosed to the public in any way, due to the fault of those who are obliged to keep the information confidential, the confidentiality of the postponed information is eliminated. In this case, the Company immediately makes a public statement because the confidentiality of the information cannot be protected.
The Company's public disclosure policy is established and implemented under the authority of the board of directors. Within the framework of this policy; Information methods and tools used by the Company include periodically issued financial statements, independent auditor reports and statements, annual and interim activity reports, material event disclosures on the Company's corporate website, announcements and announcements made through the trade registry gazette, teleconference, telephone, Communication methods such as e-mail, fax, social media, written and visual media are informative meetings held with investors face to face or via teleconference.
Information requests submitted to the Company from shareholders, investors and analysts are answered by the investor relations unit in writing, verbally or through information meetings, within the framework of publicly disclosed information. Following the announcement of the Company's interim and annual financial and operational results, teleconferences are organized to answer the questions of analysts and investors and discuss them before the public. Company officials may, from time to time, participate in national and international conferences or meetings in order to share information with investors and analysts. As a rule, the statements and information to be made on behalf of the Company within the framework of the above-mentioned methods and tools are made by the members of the board of directors, CEO, General Manager, CFO and Investor Relations Manager, except for the forms, declarations and reports signed in accordance with the signature circular. Apart from this, unless specifically assigned, Company employees cannot answer questions from capital market participants. Incoming information requests are directed to the investor relations unit.
In addition, the investor relations unit works on behalf of the Company in promoting the Company to existing and potential investor persons and institutions and brokerage firms at home and abroad, meeting the information requests of analysts and research experts working in these institutions, and answering the questions submitted to them within the scope of investor relations. will be able to communicate.
Special event disclosures are prepared by the Investor Relations Department and disclosed to the public by being signed electronically and transmitted to the Public Disclosure Platform (“KAP”). The Investor Relations Department makes public disclosure statements immediately using the Public Disclosure Platform formats, unless otherwise stated in the notification.
Investor Relations Management is authorized and responsible for the coordination of the fulfillment of the material event disclosure obligation in the Company.
In principle, special situation disclosures are signed by the Deputy General Manager of Financial Affairs (CFO), Investor Relations Department Manager/Executive/Official and/or Budget and Reporting Manager and Accounting Manager and sent to PDP. The names of the persons authorized to make material event disclosures on behalf of the company and any changes are notified to the Stock Exchange.
Special situation disclosures are also published in Turkish and English on the Corporate Website. Special event disclosures are prepared in a timely, accurate, understandable, adequate and free of misleading statements, in order to help individuals and organizations that will benefit from the disclosure to make decisions. When incorrect information is published, this situation must be corrected immediately with a new statement.
Corrections are repeated using the relevant form on PDP, with a title indicating that the statement is a correction statement and by answering the questions asked in the relevant form.
The language of all public disclosure statements is Turkish. However, in cases where disclosures must be published simultaneously in English as well as Turkish, within the framework of CMB legislation and the Board's regulations on corporate governance, disclosures are made in both languages. If any Company employee determines that important and private information that has not been disclosed to the public before has been unintentionally disclosed to the public, he/she immediately reports the situation to the investor relations unit. An appropriate material event statement is prepared by this investor relations unit in line with the provisions of the legislation and forwarded to PDP.
Investor Relations Department announces material event disclosures on the Investor Relations page of the Company's corporate website specified on KAP within the business day following the public disclosure at the latest, and is obliged to keep the disclosures in question on the Company's Corporate website for the period specified in the notification. This obligation can also be fulfilled by linking to the disclosures on the Company's corporate website and PDP.
The Company does not provide guidance regarding expectations regarding interim and annual operating results. Instead, it prefers to convey to capital market participants the critical issues that affect the results of its activities, its strategic approaches and the important elements that provide a better understanding of the sector and the environment in which it operates.
The company may disclose its future expectations to the public from time to time in accordance with its public disclosure policy. Future-oriented evaluations can be disclosed on PDP in material event disclosure format or presentation format. It is for the information of those concerned that future evaluations shared with the public are made based on certain assumptions and may differ from actual results. If there are changes regarding future evaluations or if it is understood that the evaluations will not take place, the public will be informed without delay through the same tools.
The public disclosure policy has been created and approved by the board of directors within the framework of the relevant legislation. Monitoring, supervision and development of the public disclosure policy is under the authority and responsibility of the board of directors. The investor relations unit is assigned to oversee and monitor all matters related to public disclosure.
Changes to be made in this Public Disclosure Policy are subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.