Information Security Management

Defining information as a critical asset worth protecting, it is indisputable that information must be protected appropriately in order for Aydem Energy to operate in a healthy manner and meet legal requirements. One of the most important elements of achieving success in today's conditions is ensuring the security of the information you have and allowing the right people to access the information at the right time. Aydem Energy undertakes that the security of its information is handled within the framework of a management system, thanks to appropriate controls and proactive measures. Negativities that may arise from threats to information systems (such as loss, theft, damage and access by unauthorized persons, modification of information, malicious software, cyber attacks, hackers and information espionage, unauthorized access, loss) will create serious problems in terms of the company's responsibilities and activities. will be significantly disrupted. Aydem Energy is aware of all these threats and protects its information assets against threats.

Aydem Energy must ensure the security of personal data and information assets in order to fulfill its responsibilities towards regulatory bodies and company partners, primarily customers. In all contracts signed by Aydem Enerji, including the employment contracts of employees; It is stated that all information that can be associated with the company is "confidential information that must be protected" and the consequences of the violation. An Information Security Policy has been created by Aydem Energy in order to prevent security violations, protect all company data in printed media and stored on computer systems, and ensure the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of relevant data. The responsibilities of Aydem Energy employees to protect information are also stated in the relevant policy. The principles and measures specified in this policy, the relevant procedure and other annexes represent defined and valid targets for Aydem Energy.