Human Resources Policy

Our main goal is to create an atmosphere where our employees are happy, where they embrace their company and everyone wants to be involved. In this direction, we develop and implement fair, self-improving Human Resources Strategies that will increase the participation of our employees in achieving our business goals, bring out their potential, are measurable, transparent and attentive to everyone.

Our Human Resources Policy is defined and managed with the aim of creating competence and skill groups that will support the performance required to maintain our leading position and capacity in the energy sector and to meet the expectations of our stakeholders.

Our human resources management approach aims to create innovative employees and teams that are committed to ethical values, sensitive to the environment, create value, aim for the best and most efficient, and create value within the framework of our company's values and culture, aware of the public service responsibility imposed by the energy sector and prepared for the needs arising therefrom.

We reflect our Human Resources perspective in our employee value proposition, which is the main element of our employer brand. While our company encourages the success of its employees with groundbreaking projects that extend into the future, it offers moments that will enrich life; Company employees work as a team with self-confidence, knowing that they are the source of the energy necessary for life.

1 Recruitment Management

We are aware that the most important factor in achieving our goals is qualified and happy employees. We believe that people with high self-confidence, who pursue their dreams and realize these dreams will be happier. In our recruitment procedure, the need for human resources is determined within the scope of the methods, tools, criteria, conditions and rules to be used within the scope of the determined regulations and procedures in line with the policies and strategies of our company, the selection of employees who are suitable for the qualifications of the job and the competencies determined, orientation and trial process. Our recruitment decisions are made with a focus on "the right person for the right job" regardless of the employee's gender, age, belief, ethnic origin, nationality, marital status, health status, physical disabilities. With this principle, our priority in career opportunities is to share the relevant position opening with our employees who create value in our company and to start our process by evaluating the applications. We first share all open positions with our employees through the internal announcement system and objectively evaluate the applications by observing the principle of equal opportunity.

In addition to the needs of our business lines, we do not interview the best candidates, but the most suitable candidates among the candidates who have dreams for the position we are seeking, who are open to development, and who we believe will realize our business by adopting our corporate culture.
We carry out the interview process using different interview techniques where we can observe the potential and competencies of the candidates along with their work experience. While carefully considering the expectations of our candidates, we advance our process with candidates who will both contribute to the organization and who can find what they are looking for in the working environment on their own behalf, and we proceed to the reference checks stage. We make offers to our candidates within the framework of the level structure we apply in our company. We attach importance to ensuring that employees benefit equally from the opportunities offered by the company throughout their working life after recruitment.

As a requirement of our corporate culture, we assign buddies and provide comprehensive orientation trainings to ensure the rapid adaptation of our new employees to our company.
In addition, our Human Resources team regularly communicates with the employee for the first 2 months during rotation and reassignment processes within the company. We monitor the employee's performance, demands, satisfaction and needs in this process.

2 Learning and Development

We focus on ensuring that the trainings our employees receive contribute to the development of both the company and themselves, as well as to the construction of a sustainable life. In this direction, we ensure that our employees increase their competencies while at the same time supporting the development of corporate culture in environmental, social and governance issues.
As stated in our human rights policy, we attach importance to "creating fair training and support processes in order to ensure equality among our employees and to specifically encourage our employees to participate in these trainings". With our Training Procedure, we determine the development needs of our employees for their behavioral and professional competencies in order to continuously improve their potential and existing knowledge / skills in line with their strategies and goals, and then define the process and operation to provide development tools. We make training and development planning according to the competencies that we think should be possessed in the career steps we have previously determined for each position, in line with the individual development needs identified during the performance evaluation period, as well as corporate sustainability needs. With this approach, apart from on-the-job trainings, we organize in-class and online trainings offered through Aydem Academy and external training companies. In addition, we train our own internal trainers and transfer our own experience and expertise to new generations.

In addition, we carefully complete and follow all mandatory trainings and technical development trainings for production employees, especially occupational safety. We also provide the necessary trainings to our employees who have been transferred and rotated to new positions.

3 Performance Management System

The Performance Management System, which we implement with a transparent approach to reward success and increase the satisfaction of our employees, covers the processes of measuring and evaluating the performance of employees in an objective and effective manner in order to determine the extent to which they contribute to company goals and how these goals are achieved.

We apply our performance evaluation system, which focuses on employees' competencies and business results, to all employees once a year.

In the system, which consists of two main headings, "Goals" and "Competencies", we share our company goals, priorities and corporate competencies with all our employees through the performance management system. In line with these goals, each employee, together with his/her unit manager, knows the goals that will lead the company to success and determines the individual goals that will affect this in his/her area of responsibility.

It is essential that the goals are measurable. At the same time, professional development goals that will enable employees to perform their jobs better can also be prioritized in the performance system.

Corporate competencies are evaluated with the help of behavioral indicators and affect the final performance result. The aim is to observe the attitude and behavior of employees in line with their goals and to convey what the expectations are.
Interim evaluation, which increases the effectiveness of the Performance Management System, plays an important role in the entire process. We attach great importance to this process as providing effective feedback while setting, monitoring and evaluating targets affects the success of the system.

Performance evaluation results provide input to many areas, and the evaluations we make within the framework of these main headings are used in areas such as employee development plans, training needs analysis studies, wage studies, promotion/rotation decisions for the company.

4 Remuneration Management System

The Company's remuneration system is shaped in line with macroeconomic indicators, the sector in which the Company operates, the wage market, job levels and performance. As an element of the remuneration policy, research and studies of independent consulting companies that are experts in their fields are utilized. Using regular market analyses conducted in this direction, our company implements a fair and market-competitive remuneration and benefits policy. In addition, various fringe benefits are offered to our employees depending on their duties and titles. In this context, there is no gender-based wage discrimination among our employees with our Human Resources perspective in line with our vision.

As a company, we participate in wage surveys every year with our professional team and re-evaluate our company's remuneration and benefits strategies.
In addition, our Company has a system that will motivate employees by distinguishing and rewarding performance. With this understanding, wages are evaluated once a year during the year-end wage increase period in line with individual performance results, wage surveys, economic indicators and internal balances.

5 Talent Management Processes

Knowing the value of the human element, which is the most important resource that will lead the organization to success, the Company has identified the professional and individual development of all its employees among its priorities, and has put in place an internal promotion, transfer and rotation system, taking into account career expectations. In this context, our company announces the position needs in the organization to its experienced and expert employees through internal announcements. In the selection process, different recruitment instruments are also used and included in the process, thus offering horizontal and vertical career opportunities to its employees by utilizing its trained workforce.

During the rotation and reassignment processes within the company, our Human Resources team maintains regular communication with the employee for the first 2 months. The employee's performance, demands, satisfaction and needs are monitored during this process.
The company provides transportation costs, transportation and shipping insurance expenses, accommodation and settlement assistance for our employees who are transferred and rotated, and offers leave for relocation processes.

Critical roles are defined in order to ensure the healthy functioning of the organization in line with the company strategy and to identify positions that have a high share in value generation and to place employees with the right competencies in these roles. In this direction, the definitions of critical roles and the compliance of employees working in critical roles with the role are monitored. Actions are planned as role backup in the short, medium and long term. Upon completion of these plans, they are submitted to the Board of Directors after the opinion and approval of the General Manager.

6 Working Environment and Compliance with Labor Legislation

Work relations are carried out in accordance with the legislation in force. The methods, tools, criteria, conditions and rules to be used within the scope of the regulations, procedures and instructions determined in line with the policies and strategies of our Company are determined in writing.

We do not tolerate discrimination among our employees based on race, religion, language, color, age, gender, familial status, national origin, health status, physical disability, sexual orientation, possible or probable pregnancy status, union activities or other factors determined by law.

We value the differences of our employees, embrace diversity to achieve our goals and prevent any situation that may hinder our employees from exercising their right to freedom of expression in the workplace.

We provide our employees with healthy, ergonomic, hygienic, safe and pleasant working conditions and take the necessary measures within the framework of Occupational Health and Safety principles. While creating the working environment and conditions, we take into account the work-family life balance and the needs of working parents.
We absolutely do not tolerate maltreatment, intimidation, inhuman or degrading treatment, psychological violence, harassment and abuse through any verbal or written communication in the work environment.

7 Employee Rights and Code of Ethics

We protect and manage the rights of our employees in accordance with applicable legislation and labor contracts concluded between the employee and the employer. We accept compliance with and protection of human rights determined by international rules and supported by our company policies as a fundamental principle, and we respect our employees' right to collective bargaining and freedom of association.

Our company values and principles and our code of ethics have been shared with all our employees and mandatory trainings have been provided in this regard. In case of any doubt regarding the "Code of Ethics and Business Conduct" and/or in case of witnessing any behavior or practice contrary to the rules, we use communication channels for all our employees who wish to report or consult the situation in question. Our employees can reach the Ethical Principles Notification Line via e-mail and/or the dedicated telephone line at any time of the day.
We implement, monitor and report the requirements of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data.

While the personal information of our employees is kept within the company within the framework of confidentiality principles, our employees also act in a way that complies with the confidentiality of all technical information, including our company's registered applications and information in the database.

8 Prevention of Discrimination and Maltreatment

Respecting differences is not only the right way to do our job, it is also essential for success. For this reason, our company aims to create a working environment that values the talents and experience of each individual, respects differences and gives voice to the ideas and opinions of each employee.

Creating and sustaining a fair working environment where employees are not subjected to discrimination and mistreatment is one of our top priorities.
We have an ethics committee that ensures that any action that may be subject to discrimination and maltreatment is reported in line with confidentiality principles and necessary actions are taken. We ensure that all employee practices are based on individual ability and merit, regardless of race, religion, color, age, gender, national origin or ancestry, sexual orientation, physical disability, seniority, or any other factors determined and protected by law. These practices cover recruitment, promotion, transfer and rotation, training, disciplinary rules and termination of employment and form the basis of our other practices.

9 Employee Participation in Management

All kinds of practices regarding our employees are carried out within the framework of the laws regulating working life. Recruitment, promotion, transfer, rotation, performance, training, working models procedures and various practices are organized in writing.
Periodic meetings, year-end evaluation and information panels, annual goal setting workshops and performance evaluation interviews are held within the company, and employees are included in decision-making mechanisms, committees and projects within the framework of their authorities and responsibilities.

With our employee representatives at our locations, we are able to convey requests, notifications and suggestions from our employees through OHS Board Meetings and Management Review meetings, and consult and participate in senior management.

In addition, our employees can share their requests, suggestions and opinions through various platforms such as information portals, software, mobile applications, IKON, Idea Line and Ethics Line. In addition, development areas are identified through our open communication practices where our employees can directly share their questions with senior management and employee surveys where they can provide feedback.