Diversity Policy

As our company, we aim to provide equal opportunities and ensure diversity and inclusion at all levels, in line with our 'sustainable', 'innovative' and 'people-oriented' vision, the United Nations Women's Empowerment Aydem Principles and Ethical Values, and our Aydem Equal Life initiative.
By supporting women's participation in the workforce in business life, we aim to secure the principles of equal opportunity for men and women in all our human resources policies and procedures, our Human Rights Policy, and to increase women's employment.

We believe that improving gender inequality, especially in our company's senior management decision-making mechanisms, and ensuring diversity in terms of knowledge, experience and point of view among our Board of Directors will positively contribute to the Company's activities and the effective functioning of the Board of Directors. In this context, we aim to make it easier to prioritize women in independent board member quotas and to strengthen the position of women in decision-making mechanisms.

Regarding the representation of female members on the Company's Board of Directors, the policy aimed to be implemented in a sustainable manner is listed below.

Company administration; Representation and binding towards third parties are the responsibility of the Board of Directors, which consists of 8 (eight) members elected by the General Assembly for a maximum of one year, meeting the conditions specified in the Turkish Commercial Code and Capital Markets Legislation.

Searching for female member candidates and recommending them to the Board of Directors is done by Group A and B shareholders. Female member candidates proposed by Group A and B shareholders; It is forwarded to the Board of Directors by the Corporate Governance Committee, which undertakes the duties of the Nomination Committee. The Board of Directors evaluates the suitability of the female member for the structure of the Board of Directors in accordance with the opinions of Group A and B shareholders.

In the Board of Directors candidate selection process, priority is given to female candidates among candidates who have the same characteristics in terms of knowledge, experience and competence.
In the process of nominating candidates for the Board of Directors, candidates who have sufficient knowledge, experience and competence required by the position, according to the company culture, size and activities, and who have the qualifications to protect the interests of all stakeholders are selected according to their language, religion, race, sect, belief, gender, nation, health status, It is aimed to ensure diversity in marital status, age and so on.

It creates an environment within the Board of Directors where the opinions of managers are listened to, their ideas are taken into account and prejudice, discrimination and all kinds of negative elements are not tolerated. Renewal and election processes to ensure that the Board of Directors has an adequate and balanced structure; It always encourages member diversity according to the needs of the Company.
The Corporate Governance Committee, which undertakes the duties of the Nomination Committee, is responsible for carrying out the process in accordance with the legislation.

The main target is to increase the rate of female members in the Board of Directors to 25% or more in the next 5 years. The Board of Directors evaluates the progress made in achieving this goal annually.
All our stakeholders are encouraged to implement this policy.
Changes to be made in this Policy are subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.