Tesiş Signature Ceremony
As a result of the collective negotiations between Yatağan Termik Enerji Üretim A.Ş. and Çates Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. and Tes -İş Union, a collective labor agreement was signed on 16.08.2023. The new term collective labor agreement will be valid for the period 01.01.2023-28.02.2025. At the collective labor agreement signature ceremony held in Yatağan Termik Enerji, CEO İdris Küpeli and the senior management of Yatağan-Çates Termik Enerji on behalf of Yatağan Termik Enerji Üretim A.Ş. and Çates Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. employers, as well as Tes-İş Union General President İrfan Kabaloğlu, Deputy General President Hüseyin Özil and his team, Yatağan Branch President Fatih Erçelik, Zonguldak Branch President Murat Saraçbaşı and Board Members were present. After the signing of the collective labor agreement of the Yatağan Tes - İş union, CEO İdris Küpeli, representing Yatağan Thermal and Çates, stated that in addition to the positive work carried out on union issues, the absence of a serious work accident in the Power Plant Directorate and the rapid resolution of managerial issues is a team effort. He stated that there is no doubt that they will be more efficient and productive with the motivation of the new collective labor agreement. He wished the signed collective labor agreement to be beneficial to the enterprise and our fellow workers. He also thanked the CLA negotiations team and the President of Tes-İş for keeping the sector and country conjuncture in mind throughout the negotiations. İrfan Kabaloğlu, President of Tes-İş Union, talked about the importance of the contribution of these power plants, which produce electricity with domestic coal, to the national economy and expressed their pride in the production of electrical energy in Yatağan Thermal and Çates power plants with an understanding that puts people and the environment first. He said "I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the peaceful conclusion of the 2023-2025 Collective Labor Agreement negotiations of our plant worker members working here". He also stated that they are extremely satisfied with the union and employer relations that have been going on for about 8 years and thanked the Yatağan Termik and Çates Managers and Power Plant Workers for their work so far. He stated that they did not ignore the realities of the private sector in employer-union relations after the privatization process, and that the most important reason for this was the mutual dialogue. He ended his speech with the wish that the new collective labor agreement would be beneficial for everyone. Fatih Erçelik, the President of the Yatağan and its Region Branch of the Turkish Energy, Water and Gas Workers Union, said that concluding the Collective Labor Agreement without ignoring the realities of the country and of the workplace is a pleasing development for both parties and wished that the Collective Agreement would be beneficial for everyone. Murat Saraçbaşı, President of the Zonguldak and Havalisi Branch, said "We will provide a working environment where all groups are satisfied, I hope the CLA will be beneficial for all of us."