Support from Çates to University Students
ÇATES Management sponsored the Bülent Ecevit University Automation and R&D Team and supported the students to compete in Teknofest. Automation and R&D Team, consisting of Bülent Ecevit University students, participated in the Teknofest competition held in Istanbul and came 3rd among 32 teams in the Robotaxi - Passenger Autonomous Vehicle Competition. It was also deemed worthy of the "Best Team Spirit" award, which is one of the awards independent of the rankings. Taner Gürbüz, one of the members of the Automation and R&D Team who participated in the competition; The contribution of ÇATES management for us was the provision of the "ZED 2 Stereo Camera", which is the most important part for the vehicle. We thank them for their support. "Our goal is to be a team with the knowledge and equipment to take an active role in the world, representing our country in the autonomous vehicle category, which is described as the technology that will direct the future," he said. The festival, known with the abbreviation Teknofest, is Turkey's first and only aviation, space and technology festival. It is organized every year with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Technology to introduce thousands of young people to technology and to make them love technology. Teknofest plays a very important role in the development of national technology.