Production Record Joy at Çates
Çatalağzı Thermal Power Plant employees met at a dinner held in a private hotel. ÇATES employees, who broke the 10-year production record in 2022, relieved the tiredness of the year with a dinner held at Emirgan Hotel. Speaking at the dinner where white-collar and blue-collar personnel came together, Thermal Power Plants General Manager Korhan Tiryaki said; “We cannot always come together, such successes give us opportunities to come together, breaking the production record of 10 years this year is a proud achievement for me as well as you. I hope we can celebrate many more successes together, and I wish a happy new year to all my colleagues. “2023 will be a beautiful and fruitful year for both our country and ÇATES,” he said. Employees had fun accompanied by music and had a pleasant night with a gift raffle surprise.