Launched to raise awareness on occupational safety at ÇATES, the "Ellerim Güvende" (My Hands are Safe) promotional campaign was finalized. In the finale, the philosophy of the campaign was emphasized once again and the importance of our hands in all areas of life was expressed. The importance of our hands was emphasized with a focus on topics such as how we can protect our hands from risks in business life, the importance of choosing the appropriate equipment for the job, and the fact that gloves alone are not enough. Speaking at the final presentation, Korhan Tiryaki, General Manager of Thermal Power Plants, emphasized the importance of the campaign and said: "There has been a decrease of nearly eighty-five percent in hand related accidents with this campaign. As long as we are aware, we can avoid accidents. Please implement the "Ellerim Güvende" campaign, your health is just as valuable to us as the smoke in our chimneys." Cem Çelebi, HSE and Sustainability Group Director, stated that they plan to implement the campaign in all group companies within the year and thanked the employees who participated in the campaign. Employees attending the launch finale were asked to tie their shoelaces with one hand to draw attention to the difficulty of using only one hand. Even though some of them were successful, the difficulties of using one hand were also proved with a collaborative effort. At the launch finale, employees were also given pens with the name of the campaign and the names of the employees as a souvenir.