Board Member
He was born in Denizli in 1988. After graduating from the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Yeditepe University, he/she completed an Executive MBA program at Sorbonne University. He has worked in production at Tümaş Marble in 2011, in the Project Finance department of Aydem Renewables in 2013, in the Customer Relations Center Regional Directorate of Gediz Retail and in the General Directorate of Aydem Retail in 2014. Between 2015 and 2018, he has conducted various projects in ADM Distribution, Aydem Retail and Aydem Renewables Energy and as of 2018, he has joined the holding management of Aydem Energy. On 15 October 2024, it was decided to appoint Mr. Baran SALDANLI as a Board Member.
In addition to his roles within Aydem Energy, Saldanlı who also has investments in various sectors, has been serving as a Board Member of Aydem Holding since July 2021.
Baran Saldanlı is married and has 2 daughter.